Michele Di Maio

Professor of Economics

Department of Economics and Law

Sapienza University of Roma

Via del Castro Laurenziano 9

00161 Rome, Italy  

E-mail: michele.dimaio (at) uniroma1.it

ReCIPE-CEPR Theme Leader

IZA Research Fellow

HiCN Research Affiliate

I am Professor of Economics at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). My current research includes the economics of conflict and the study of firms, labor markets, and migration in developing countries. I have been a consultant on conflict, education, industrial development, and international trade issues for WORLD BANK, ECLAC, ESCWA, UNECA, UNIDO, UNCTAD, and IGC.  I received my PhD from the University of Siena in 2006 and the Laurea from Bocconi University in 2001.

Together with Francesco Amodio, Mariapia Mendola, and Marco Sanfilippo, I organize the Firms, Labour Markets, and Development Workshop [2024 Program].